Publicaciones FreeBSD

book cover Esta es una reciente publicación (Mayo 1997) de Tatsumi Hosokawa y otros. En el mundo de los libros de informática es un top-seller en Japón, superando las ventas del libro «The Road Ahead» de Bill Gates.
book cover (Libro de FreeBSD en japonés que incluye la versión 2.0.5, titulado «FreeBSD: Fun and easy Installation»)
book cover (Libro de FreeBSD en japonés que incluye la versión 2.0.5, titulado «FreeBSD Introductory Kit»)
book cover Este es el libro «FreeBSD Complete» de Walnut Creek CDROM con guía de instalación, páginas man y 2 cd’s de instalación.
book cover Libro de Walnut Creek CDROM titulado «Installing & Running FreeBSD», que contenía las instrucciones de instalación y dos cd’s. Ha sido reemplazado por el más completo «FreeBSD Complete».
book cover Este libro recientemente publicado (principios de 1997) en Taiwan. Su título es «FreeBSD: introduction and applications» y el autor es Jian-Da Li.
book cover Este es el libro «Getting Started with FreeBSD» de Fuki-Shuppan. Trata tanto la instalación y entorno japonés como la administración del sistema e información de bajo nivel (como el proceso de arranque). FreeBSD-2.2.2R y XFree86-3.2 en CDROM. 264 páginas, 3,400 yen.
book cover «Personal UNIX® Starter Kit – FreeBSD» de ASCII. Incluye la historia de UNIX®, una guía de creación de documentación en japonés y cración de ports. y XFree86-3.2 en CDROM.
book cover BSD mit Methode, M. Schulze, B. Roehrig, M. Hoelzer und andere, C&L Computer und Literatur Verlag, 1998, 850 pages. 2 CDROMs, FreeBSD 2.2.6, NetBSD 1.2.1 and 1.3.2, OpenBSD 2.2 and 2.3. DM 98,-.


Para más información sobre las releases más recientes a la página de información de releases de FreeBSD.

CDROM cover Este es el BSDisc de InfoMagic, conteniendo FreeBSD 2.0 y NetBSD 1.0 en un solo CD.
CDROM cover Esta es la release original de 4.4 BSD Lite2 de UC Berkeley, la tecnología básica de FreeBSD.
CDROM cover La primera de las series «BSD» de Laser5. Contiene FreeBSD-2.0.5R, NetBSD-1.0, XFree86-3.1.1 y el kernel FreeBSD(98).
CDROM cover The second of Laser5’s «BSD» series. From this version, the CDs come in a standard jewel box. Contains FreeBSD-2.1R, NetBSD-1.1, XFree86-3.1.2 and 3.1.2A, and FreeBSD(98) kernel (2.0.5).
CDROM cover This is the Laser5 Japanese edition of the FreeBSD CDROM. It is a 4 CD set.
CDROM cover This is the only FreeBSD CD Pacific Hitech produced before merging their product line with that of Walnut Creek CDROM. PHT now also produces the FreeBSD/J (Japanese) CD product.
CDROM cover This is the cover disc from the Korean magazine. Note the creative cover art! The CD contains the FreeBSD 2.2.1 release with some local additions.
CDROM cover This is it – the very first FreeBSD CD published! Both the FreeBSD Project and Walnut Creek CDROM were fairly young back then, and you’ll probably have little difficulty in spotting the differences in production quality between then and now.
CDROM cover This was the second FreeBSD CD published by Walnut Creek CDROM and also the very last on the 1.x branch (ref USL/Novell lawsuit and settlement). The next release, FreeBSD 1.1.5, was only available on the net.
CDROM cover This unusual CD is something of a collector’s item now given that almost all existing examples were systematically tracked down and destroyed. An artwork mishap has this CD dated for the wrong year, and on the spine «January» is also misspelled as «Jaunary», just to increase the embarrassment factor. Ah, the perils of turning in one’s artwork just hours before leaving for a trade show.
CDROM cover This is the fixed-up version of the FreeBSD 2.0 CD. Note that the color scheme has even been changed in the corrected version, something unusual for a fixup and perhaps done to distance it from the earlier mistake.
CDROM cover The FreeBSD 2.0.5 release CD. This was the first CD to feature Tatsumi Hosokawa’s daemon artwork.
CDROM cover The FreeBSD 2.1 release CD. This was the first CD release on the 2.1 branch (the last being 2.1.7).
CDROM cover The FreeBSD 2.1.5 release CD.
CDROM cover The FreeBSD 2.1.6 release CD.
CDROM cover The Japanese version of 2.1.6. This was the first and last Japanese localized version published by WC, responsibility for that product then transitioning to a team led by Tatsumi Hosokawa and sponsored by Pacific Hitech and Laser5.
CDROM cover The FreeBSD 2.1.7 release CD. Also the last CD released on the 2.1.x branch. Done primarily as a security fixup for 2.1.6
CDROM cover An early release SNAPshot of 2.2 (done before 2.2.1 was released).
CDROM cover The FreeBSD 2.2.1 release CD. This was the first CD on the 2.2 branch.
CDROM cover The FreeBSD 2.2.2 release CD.
CDROM cover The FreeBSD 3.0 snapshot CD.
CDROM cover The FreeBSD mailing list and newsgroup archives, turned into HTML and semi-indexed by thread. This product ran for 2 releases and then stopped with a thud once it became obvious that there was simply too much data to deal with on one CD. Perhaps when DVD becomes more popular…


magazine cover Cover of Korean UNIX® magazine, May 1997 issue. Also included FreeBSD 2.2.1 with cover CDs.
magazine cover UNIX® User Magazine November 1996 issue. Also included FreeBSD 2.1.5 on cover CD.
magazine cover This is the «FreeBSD Full Course» special in April 1997’s Software Design (published by Gijutsu Hyoron Sha). There are 80 pages of FreeBSD articles covering everything from installation to tracking -current.
magazine cover Quality UNIX® for FREE, by Brett Glass in Sm@rt Reseller Online September 1998


newsletter cover This is issue #1 of the FreeBSD Newsletter, published and distributed free of charge by Walnut Creek CDROM.
newsletter cover This is issue #2 of the FreeBSD Newsletter, published and distributed free of charge by Walnut Creek CDROM.

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